Saturday, 20 February 2021

A wedding notice from 1837

 A marriage notice from the Yorkshire Gazette of 8 April 1837 was a little out of the ordinary:

"The blooming bride has withstood the blasts of upwards of fifty winters, whilst her lord has not yet escaped from the thraldom of his legal infancy,—being, we understand, above thirty years her junior."


Monday, 8 February 2021

Love as a surname or forename

 Having an ancestor's surname as a christian name is obviously useful in following family lines and can provide useful pointers.

Having come across Love as a surname (7114 of them in 1881 and well spread across the country) could Love as a forename indicate a family connection, or is it a christian name in its own right? (In 1881 there were 344 instances).

If used as a middle name is that more likely to be a naming after an ancestor?